Wall Sawing

First class service throughout Metro Melbourne and Regional Victoria

Wall Sawing

First class service throughout Metro Melbourne and Regional Victoria

Wall Sawing Melbourne

Kings Cut Concrete provides first class wall sawing services throughout metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria. We guarantee to meet the requirements of your project. Our professional team are highly experienced and use modern, quality equipment. We will manage your wall sawing project with the upmost care.

wall sawing melbourne

Why use wall sawing?

Wall Sawing is the most effective method for larger concrete cutting projects. Our wall saws cut to 800mm and use the highest level technology and are powered using hydraulic and three phase electrical power packs.

The ability to program the equipment greatly reduces the possibility of error, making our team and equipment more reliable.

We plan every step before undertaking the job, allowing us to effectively cut, remove and dispose of your unwanted concrete.

Hand Sawing requires an extremely experienced operator, one who knows how to properly assemble each part, attach it to the wall and cut in a safe manner. Kings Cut Concrete will always ensure one of our experienced team members do the job for you perfectly.

Our diamond blades cut efficiently and cause minimal friction, resulting in little to no dust. We guarantee a precise cut every time!